A ticketing system is the most widely used medium of correspondence that hosting providers offer to their clients. It is most often part of the billing account and is the most efficient way to fix an issue that takes some time to investigate or that has to be escalated to a sysadmin. In this way, all responses contributed by either side will be stored in the very same location in case someone else needs to work on the given problem and the info already exchanged in the ticket will be accessible to all parties. The negative side of deploying a ticketing system with most hosting platforms is that it is separate from the web hosting Control Panel, which implies that you’ll need to sign in and out of at least two accounts in order to execute some task or to touch base with the company’s technical support staff. If you wish to manage a handful of domain names and each one of them is hosted in a different account, you’ll have to use even more accounts simultaneously. Moreover, it might take a substantial length of time for the provider to answer your ticket request.
Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Hosting
The ticketing system that we use for our Linux shared hosting packages isn’t separate from the web hosting account. It is an essential part of our all-inclusive Hepsia Control Panel and you will be able to visit it at any moment with just a few clicks of the mouse, without ever leaving your account. The ticketing system offers a quick-search box, so you can find virtually any support ticket that you have opened in the past, if needed. Moreover, you can see knowledge base articles that belong to various problem categories, which you can select, so you can find out how to tackle a particular issue even before you actually submit a ticket. The response time is maximum 1 hour, so you can get swift assistance at any specific time and if our support team recommends that you should do something inside your hosting account, you can do it instantaneously without needing to leave the Control Panel.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The support ticket system that we’re using is built into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which we have developed for our Linux semi-dedicated packages, which implies that you won’t require one more support platform to touch base with our client support staff – you can do it on the spot in the event that you confront an obstacle. Submitting a new ticket requires a few mouse clicks and tracking down an older one is just as simple. With our clever search box, you can swiftly find any ticket that you have posted in the past. You can send a ticket whenever you like since our client support team representatives are available day and night and respond in no more than 1 hour, although it seldom takes this much to receive a response. With the Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll have everything in a single place and you can just forget about using two or more platforms to resolve a simple problem.