Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60–Minute Response Time Guarantee

  • We provide a 60 min response warranty for each trouble ticket or e–mail that you submit to the tech support staff. We will quickly answer all standard inquiries and forward the case to our administrators if further assistance is needed. If you make use of our Admin Services package, we will execute any of the included services at a time that has been agreed upon upfront.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–Notch Customer Care Service

  • If you require any assistance with the Web Hosting Control Panel or with any of the apps that we’ve installed on the server for you, do not hesitate to contact the technical support team anytime through the ticketing system. What’s more, if you require assistance managing your server, you can make use of our Admin Services package, that includes OS updates every week, installation and problem troubleshooting procedures, server monitoring and restarting procedures, backup hard disk drive storage space, etc.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Area

  • We have equipped our Web Hosting Control Panel with a fully detailed knowledgebase, which offers extensive explanations of all its features and functions. Besides, we have made detailed video tutorials that will further instruct you how to carry out a certain action or resolve a regularly encountered issue. All the educational articles and the tutorial video clips are readily accessible from each Web Hosting Control Panel section through the Help and Videos buttons in the upper right corner.