Help and Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60–minutes Ticket Solution Guarantee

  • Our tech assistance staff is on–line 24x7x365 to handle all your support inquiries. Each ticket you send out to us shall be responded to within maximum one hour. If your issue calls for help from one of our administrators, we are going to send the ticket to the person on shift and will let you know that the problem is under control.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–class Technical Support Service

  • We’ll be on–line for you 24x7x365 to provide you with help and technical support and to assist you with any difficulty that you could run into when monitoring your virtual server. We’re able to support all pre–installed packages, plus your OS, server admin panel (dependent upon the VPS type) and the Web Hosting Control Panel made entirely by our developers.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Descriptive Help Zone

  • An in–depth and regularly updated articles base is included in our in–house built Web Hosting Control Panel. It gives you quick tips about how to execute all the general web site supervision tasks. The Help section presents detailed how–to tutorials and step by step video guides. You can reach the Help section by clicking on the Help or Video buttons in the top right side of each Control Panel section.